Monday, November 13, 2006

Pynchon and the Iraq War

Now that the post-modern master of the allegorical realtionship between hipster fun and domination is ready to launch
his new novel, "Against the Day", I welcome all bloggers to write me about how Pynchon's world can be seen as a critique of the War in Iraq.
I am setting you up-you are on your own.


Blogger sevenpointman said...

First I will have to learn how to spell relationship !

7:48 PM  
Blogger E said...

Although Pynchon hints that AtD may comment on the current state of US affairs, the fact that the book is 1100 pages indicates that much (most?) of it must have been written before the US entered Iraq in 2003. That said, the applicability of Pynchon's novel to the Iraq war may be possible, even if it's not intended as a direct critique.

12:33 AM  
Blogger Gilbert said...

Not the Iraq war so much, but chapter 13 (beginning on p.149) is a thinly disguised metaphor for 9/11...

1:43 PM  
Blogger sevenpointman said...


If you could elaborate on your comment about those passages that create this metaphor-without revealing anything that could spoil the fun, for the rest of us,
I would appreciate it.


4:55 PM  
Blogger sevenpointman said...

I am going off track of my subject and will start leaving my observations of this amazing novel.

1) So far in my reading the magical narratives are beautifully integrated and developed.
2) The humanism and naturalism of the imagery is
very melancholic and reminds me of the writing of Thomas Wolfe.
3) The satirical edge and effect, that we love in Pynchon, is strongly apparent.
4) The writing is some of the most poetic and transparent Pynchon has ever produced.

I hope to be hearing comments on these points and others by those readers who are wise enough
to go beyond the Evil witch spells of the
Adorably synchophant Kakutani and her Bums without a Chance.

8:41 AM  
Blogger Bobby Lightfoot said...

Dude, I don't know from Pynchon but th' new Nickelback album is TOTALLY a dadaist indictment of US foreign policy, man.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah Blart.
Me so smart.

Blah blah blah Blice.
Why should I be nice?

Blah blah blah Blexus.
Conspiratorial nexus.

Blah blah blah Blooka.
Pynchon is my bazooka!

Blah blah blah bli-atch.
And I am Pynchon's bi-atch.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Bobby Lightfoot said...

I TOTALLY knew someone would put th' Nickelback lyrics up here.

5:32 PM  

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