We envision labor as the task of building, and demarcating, a space for profit and personal property to grow, When the global thrust for land, resources, technological advancement, and lower wages and tariffs, developed by international organizations(such as the World Bank, the IMF,etc,) hit it's peak,this globalization was escalated towards a spiralling debt and capital accumulation cycle.
All nations on earth were effected by this process and it's cycle.-but the sections or nodes of poorer populations in the nations dominated by this matrix of capital, were grieviously repressed and their level of compensation for labor, as opposed to it's purchasing power of commodities, hit rock bottom.
When the choices needed to resolve the crisis of
living and working for themselves and family,were
dissapated, and led to alienating circumstances
so deeply rooted, it became almost impossible to stay put in their environment. So there arose a huge wave of globalization- immigration nomads. Fleeing the economic, cultural and political oppression of an ever constricting Empire of affluence as a weapon of mass attraction leading to mass distraction, it created mass destruction, for the majority of the poor and middle class, in many sectors, preyed upon by global unsustainable corporate growth, and mass subtraction, of workers and citizens.
This the nature of immigration now.
When people need to leave their countries to work somwhere else they are confronted with two problems.
Where can they go ?-and how can they sustain themselves in other environments so they can help support themselves and their families.
Where they go is dependent on their geographic location, assessibility of job markets, and their ability to be flexible in accomplishing many tasks in earning their living wage.
How they support themselves depends upon freedom of movement, diverse oppoutunities,
open-ended policies of support networks, and shear determination to work hard and overcome obstacles.
In a global world-order of capital flexibility favoring the owners, and some of the managers, the conditions that I mentioned above, are lacking.
So, obviously we must do something to re-direct globalization along more humane lines, and slowly develop societies that aim at full-employment and full-training of all of the members of these societies.
If we can create the conditions for more equitable societies, immigration would be minimalized.
Those who would came would be able to visit, study and possibly work in any nation, as a benefit to that society. Then to return to share the knowledge and resources gained in that nation.
As for now-let those who want to work be given the opportunity and the fair wage-as well as complete worker amnesty, until our global world-system evolves, to a world-family of fair trade and freedom for the multitude.
All nations on earth were effected by this process and it's cycle.-but the sections or nodes of poorer populations in the nations dominated by this matrix of capital, were grieviously repressed and their level of compensation for labor, as opposed to it's purchasing power of commodities, hit rock bottom.
When the choices needed to resolve the crisis of
living and working for themselves and family,were
dissapated, and led to alienating circumstances
so deeply rooted, it became almost impossible to stay put in their environment. So there arose a huge wave of globalization- immigration nomads. Fleeing the economic, cultural and political oppression of an ever constricting Empire of affluence as a weapon of mass attraction leading to mass distraction, it created mass destruction, for the majority of the poor and middle class, in many sectors, preyed upon by global unsustainable corporate growth, and mass subtraction, of workers and citizens.
This the nature of immigration now.
When people need to leave their countries to work somwhere else they are confronted with two problems.
Where can they go ?-and how can they sustain themselves in other environments so they can help support themselves and their families.
Where they go is dependent on their geographic location, assessibility of job markets, and their ability to be flexible in accomplishing many tasks in earning their living wage.
How they support themselves depends upon freedom of movement, diverse oppoutunities,
open-ended policies of support networks, and shear determination to work hard and overcome obstacles.
In a global world-order of capital flexibility favoring the owners, and some of the managers, the conditions that I mentioned above, are lacking.
So, obviously we must do something to re-direct globalization along more humane lines, and slowly develop societies that aim at full-employment and full-training of all of the members of these societies.
If we can create the conditions for more equitable societies, immigration would be minimalized.
Those who would came would be able to visit, study and possibly work in any nation, as a benefit to that society. Then to return to share the knowledge and resources gained in that nation.
As for now-let those who want to work be given the opportunity and the fair wage-as well as complete worker amnesty, until our global world-system evolves, to a world-family of fair trade and freedom for the multitude.